
samedi 27 août 2016


h2os 2.5 image
way of participation:
Developers need to August 2016 25 Zhi at 10:00 on October 10, 2016 this time, will add a third-party adapter ROM 3 Upload ROM home after, ROM House approval and shelves, you can participate in this event.

Activity Rules:
1, developers need to upload the ROM original works, if found copying, modifying others ROM will cancel the eligibility of activities.
2, the adaptation of domestic third-party ROM containing a plus communities and statistical components apk. (Already packaged for developers: Please pack .rar (9.25 MB, Downloads: 545)
The day before yesterday 14:55 Upload
Click the file name to download attachments Download Credits: Come -1
3, third-party ROM adapter may not add their own application-independent, except for an official request to add one plus applications.
4, if the developer submit multiple works, selected according to their activity works of the highest awards, the winners can not be repeated.
5, upload entries must comply with the relevant provisions of ROM from home.

Apply a plus 3 engineering machine process:
1, to submit information: Developer Please "+ name + network microblogging account name + ID number + phone number + QQ + + links previous works delivery address" mail sent to staff:
2, pay a deposit: a plus staff will review your information, e-mail accounts will pay the deposit after the successful review reply to you until after you pay the deposit, will be a plus 3 engineering machine mailed to you.
3, deposit refund: until the end of the event, plus a staff member will contact you, for the deposit refunded.

Activity Award:
The first one: One million in cash.
Chapter 2: five thousand in cash.
Chapter 3: two thousand in cash.
Chapter 4 through 10: a suite plus peripheral (Backpack + travel bag + laptop).
Chapter 11 through 20, will be eligible for one plus a shoulder bag.

Selection rules:
1, a Canadian official ROM quality assessment (30% rate).
2. As at 10:00 on October 10, 2016, "the statistics component" of the relevant data (40% of score).
3. As at 10:00 on October 10, 2016, was added to the active ROM of home work (ratings, comments, downloads each accounted for 10%, accounted for 30% of the score).
By way of the above composite score, decide the final ranking.

Recommended prizes:
★ Top 5 Recommended developers to participate in this event refueling, a reward plus a shoulder bag.
1, developers ROM home shelves in chronological order of the top five referees rewarded.
2, recommended are required to submit information allows developers to write messages on the recommended name and a phone.
3, Recommended by winning only one occasion, in case of repeat winners will be extended.

Activity Timeline:
Application engineering machine Date: August 2016 No. 25--2016 September 1.
Engineering machine Post Time: September 2016 No. 2.
Developers Submit ROM Date: September 2016 No. 2--2016 September 23 (ROM home Upload invitation code can be obtained from private letters of the account).
Developer Promotion Time: September 2016 No. 24 - at 10:00 on October 10th, 2016.
Winners announced time: before 18 October 2016.
Time prize distribution: After the winners announced, one plus staff will take the initiative to contact the winners and distribute prizes.
Note: The time can be flexibly adjusted to apply for engineering machine can prioritize sent mobile phone, you can immediately adapt and submit ROM holds a plus after 3.

from xda-developers

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