At its I/O developer conference this year, Google finally showcased the highly-anticipated Pixel Watch. However, the company did not reveal all the details about the smartwatch during the event. So far, we know that the Pixel Watch will hit the market alongside the Pixel 7 series this fall and will feature a round display with minimal bezels, various strap customization options, one-day battery life, an older chipset, and LTE support.
While we’re waiting for Google to share more information about the Pixel Watch, a new report suggests it might be Google Fi’s first supported smartwatch. According to 9to5Google, version 69 of the Google Fi app includes new strings about the Pixel Watch (codenamed ‘Rohan’).
The strings suggest that the carrier will support the Pixel Watch and give users the option to purchase insurance for the smartwatch. Like with smartphones purchased through the carrier, users will also have a few days of grace period after the smartwatch purchase to get insurance.
For the unaware, Google Fi currently doesn’t support any smartwatches. The carrier offers support for smartphones, including various Android and iPhone models, Chromebooks, and Android tablets. But the carrier might now finally be ready to add support for LTE smartwatches.
While the Google Fi APK does not include mentions of any other LTE smartwatches at the moment, the fact that it’s extending support to the Pixel Watch leads us to believe that it may add more smartwatches in the future.
At the moment, it isn’t clear if Google Fi will offer a free data-only SIM for the Pixel Watch or assign a dedicated phone number to help users make and receive phone calls using the smartwatch. We’ll make sure to let you know as soon as we have more details.
Are you a Google Fi user? Would you be interested in adding your LTE smartwatch to your Google Fi plan? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Google Fi could extend support to smartwatches, starting with the Pixel Watch appeared first on XDA.
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